MSP Journal
The Journal of Modern Social Perspectives strives to promote young students’ interest in creative pursuits, research, and new knowledge. We hope many of you will take interest and participate in the Journal by submitting your work. Most of our students are in high school and college, but sometimes we receive submissions from students in lower grades as well.
The Journal focuses on research, essays and opinions, literature and art, and reviews (150- to 200-word reviews) of a diverse range of works. The Journal also features submissions in the original language to promote broader international participation. We publish original works as well as previous published ones by students.
When submitting your work, be sure to include your name, school, and email address and send it to Now Vikram, Neo Vikram, New Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai, 400058.
We also hold regular essay and research competitions. This year’s research competition is supported by
Dr. Rhodora I. Dela Rosa
Associate Professor
College of Education
Central Luzon State University
Science City of Muñoz 3120, Nueva Ecija
Life Science Organization
Student Affairs Office
Negros Oriental State University
Main Campus 1, Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City 6200
Negros Oriental