More than Anime
Elaine Espirin Holy Family School of Quezon City Inc. What comes to mind whenever you hear the word Japan? If you ever find yourself wandering the streets of Quezon […]
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Elaine Espirin Holy Family School of Quezon City Inc. What comes to mind whenever you hear the word Japan? If you ever find yourself wandering the streets of Quezon […]
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» Read moreWe are pleased to announce 2015 Research Competition. The purpose of the research competition is to promote students’ interest in research, so we hope many of you will take interest […]
» Read moreBy Aditi Mittal “Kheloge kudoge to honge kharab, padhoge likhoge to banoge nawab”: this popular Hindi quote captures the essence of the Indian mind-set toward sports. If this […]
» Read more褚 汉 安徽省蚌埠市铁中 In modern society, competitions are taken places (exist) everywhere, and increasingly make people feel nervous and anxious. People in every field are forced to face the failure and success. One of the NBA mottos says, “Go hard, or go home!” It seems that the distinction between failure and success has become the only destination of our life. However, in my point of view, failure or success is not that important. 200 years ago, Napolean, empiror of France, (Napoleon, the emperor of France,) was defeated in “Waterloo”, Which is now used to describe “a great failure”. No one dare say he is a loser. Instead, he was regarded as an eternal hero not only in France, but also in the world. There’s no denying that he is a powerful men, and he brought his totally new ideology of freedom and liberty to nearly the entire Europe. He sought the end of tyranny and dictatorship on the ancient land. He desired to built (build) up a civilized nation in Europe, even in the world. Tile three laws made by him enabled all the kings to fear and shiver, because the laws marked their days would soon come. What’s more important, his laws gave birth to the modem system of civil rights. In common with him, Xiang Yu is a failure hero in China. Fail (Failed) as he is, he becomes an original hero in Chinese culture. He ended his life with a sad but romantic legend, which, for thousands of years, has been winning a nation’s respect and memory. And this changed an ancient principle that the winner is a king, the loser is a crown (the loser a bandit). S. president George W. Bush once said, “Before history was written in books, it is written in courage. “Truely (True) it is,(插入and) the legends of the heroes, from both (去掉) west and (to) east, have proved it. One should care about what he did, not the result will be (去掉). Everybody completes his own tasks and work, That is enough. At this time last year, I was sitting in the same classroom and taking the same test. Unexpectedly, I got a (an) excellent result. And this year I came here again, not only want a result for the (a) second time, but a (an) experience for the (a) second time. Because I strongly believe that life is not a destination, but a journey. So work like you don’t need money, love like you have never been hurt, dance like no one’s watching, and toke exam like there is no failure or success. (本句受汉语思维影响太大,建议改为: So enjoy the sense of achievement in work, not the pay; enjoy the sense of beauty in love, not the possible hurt; enjoy the sense of rhythm in dance, not the peculiar sight from others; enjoy the sense of excitement in exam, not the final result. )
» Read moreEstablishment of Corporate Culture through Ethical Values By Kathleen Ramirez, Polytechnic University of the Philippines CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Conceptual framework […]
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